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Physical education forms an important part of modern education. Almost every school can boast of a playground, and one or two teams. In every modern school and colleges, after class work, students join various sports and games. The students generally take to all kinds of physical activities and show a great deal of interest in them. Physical education is a great source of pleasure to the children which builds their body and refresh their mind. It teaches the players discipline and team spirit. In school sports, the players have to obey certain rules and it is further the role of this subject to guide them about these rules. They have to submit to the ruling of the referee or the umpire. Thus, they learn discipline and obedience.

Physical education creates in students ‘the sporting spirit’. The students learn to play fair and honorably and to keep the rules of the game. They learn to be fair to their opponents. School sports teach them to take a defeat in a good spirit.

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