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Books There are 61 books.

Pregnancy The Complete C..

What To Expect The First ..

The One Minute Mother..

Dr Spocks Baby Basics..

Dr Spocks Pregnancy Guide..

Pregnancy The Complete Ch..

7 Habits Of Highly Effect..

Hindu Names For Boys..

The Nocry Sleep Solution..

Hindu Names For Girls..

How To Talk So Kids Can L..

Brain Rules For Baby How..

Pregnancy & Birth Handboo..

The One Minute Fatherimpr..

The Complete Book Of Moth..

Your Pregnancy Week By We..

Solving The Ice ? Cream D..

Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar..

What Your Son Isnt Tellin..

Who Do You Think Youre Ki..

Parenting For The 21st Ce..

Countdown To Babya Daybyd..

What Your Daughter Isnt T..

100 Promises To My Baby..

Baby & Child Care..

The Happiest Baby On The ..

How To Talk So Teens Will..

What To Expect Eating Wel..

Your New Baby..

Its A Mom..

Postbaby Bounce..

Pregnancy is one of the most difficult, confusing and challenging yet the most precious and special time in the parent’s life. The mother is happy and nervous at the same time about the upcoming responsibility. Also to be designated father is most curious about what should be done and what shouldn’t be done in order to keep his wife and baby healthy. Even after the baby is born and he/she grows up, parents tend to make mistakes and get nervous about the upbringing of their kids and start trusting senseless people and internet for such friable issues.

Books are considered a friend for a reason and that reason dear readers is very authentic. That is where Ememozin helps you. Being an online rental library and providing books on rent for parenting and family issues Ememozin helps you carry on a healthy and a fruitful family environment.