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Books There are 1680 books.

Electrical Machines An Ob..

Electromagmetics Pb 2016..

Electrical Power Systems ..

Mass Communication Princi..

The Performance And Desig..

Viva Voce In Electrical E..

The Performance And Desig..

Electrical And Mechanical..

Control Systems,pb 2016..

Digital Electronics Pb 2..

Basic Electrical Engineer..

Electric Circuits And Net..

A Guide Book Of Gate Elec..

A Guide Book For Gate E..

Analog And Digital Electr..

Direct And Alternating Cu..

Electromagnetism Theory &..

Advanced Digital Communic..

Satellite Communication..

Microwave Principles Pb..

Repair Of Power Transform..

Electrical Engineering Book Rental Library in India 

Electrical engineering is that branch of engineering which studies the electricity, electromagnetism, electronics and its application. At ememozin you will find books for all of the electrical engineering sub branches like electronics, radio frequency, microelectronics, power engineering, digital computers etc. we have a wide collection of electrical engineering books in our online library. Through the corporate library membership plan professionals in the field of electronics and electrical engineering can also reap benefits form our online rental library. Ememozin also helps students find entrance exam books for electric engineering exams. Browse through our wide collection of electric engineering books online and rent books with our hassle free services.