
HOMe Faqs

What is ememozin.com ?

ememozin.com is a Reading Hub. It is an online Rental Service for Books. It has its services on a pan-India level with free home delivery and pickup.

I forgot my password. What do I do ?

Dont worry. Go to the login pop-up. Just click on "Forgot Password?" and follows the steps thereafter.

What are ememozin.com's terms and conditions ?

Please refer to the 'Terms of Service' page on ememozin.com. You will find this link to the page at the bottom of the page.

Does ememozin.com provide e-books ?

No. For now, we are providing only physical books to our users. We plan to introduce e-Books very soon.

How do I contact ememozin.com's team ?

Please call us on 1800-103-7323 or drop a line on at customercare@ememozin.com. Do mention your contact details. We will reach out to you within 24 hours.

Where is ememozin.com's service available ?

ememozin.com service is available in over 500+ cities across India. Please check for service availability in your area by entering your pin-code in the "Check for service" section on Product page.

What is 'My Account'? How do I update my information?

It is easy to update your account information on ememozin.com. You can view all your reading history in your bookshelf and your transactional history in History any time through 'My Account'. My Account' allows you complete control over your transactions on IndiaReads. You can Manage/edit your personal data like address, phone numbers, Change your password in the panel after you login to your account.

How do I know my order has been confirmed?

You will be mailed upon confirmation and dispatch of your order. In case you want to check, the transaction current status is available on "My Order" page.

Can I rent a book that is 'Out of Stock'?

You can add the book to your bookshelf. It goes to your wishlist and you will be informed as soon as a copy of the book is available for renting.

How do I check the current status of my orders?

You can check it in "My Order" Page.

What is Rental Cart ?

A Rental Cart is a virtual shopping box that shows the details of all the books that the user is ready to rent in the present order. The user freezes the books in the Rental Cart and then proceeds for providing the delivery information and payment to confirm order.

What is my wishlist ?

We are a user-driven library. When there are books which you want to rent but are not available, you put them in your wishlist. We try to procure these books and you are notified when they become available in library.

How do I add books to my Rental Cart ?

Click on the Order button on the books you like. These books get added to your Bookshelf. You can select the books you want to rent presently and add them to your rental cart and proceed with the checkout when you are ready to confirm the order.

How do I add books to my wishlist ?

When you find the book you have been looking for, click on "Order" button. In case the book is not available in library it gets added to your wishlist automatically.

Can I buy books from ememozin.com ?

No. You cannot buy books from ememozin.com. However if you keep the book you rented for more than the available rental period, the it will be considered as sold.

Does ememozin.com sell second-hand books ?

No. We do not sell second hand books. We rent books that may be circulated into reading to another user.

How do I cancel my order ?

Please reach us on our toll-free 1800-103-7323 and we will try to process your request within 24 hours.

How will my payment be refunded ?

In case you cancel your order, the payment will be credited to your Store Credit.

What are ememozin.com's terms and conditions ?

Please refer to the 'Terms of Service' page on ememozin.com.

Can I order a book that is out of stock ?

No. You cannot order a book product that is out of stock. You can place it in your wishlist so that you are informed by email as soon as the product is added to the library.

I see different prices of books with the same title. Why ?

Sometimes different editions and different bindings are available for the same title. This data is provided by publishers and distributors.

Is it necessary to have an account to rent books from ememozin.com ?

Yes. You need Account on ememozin.com to rent books.

How will my payment be refunded ?

The payment will be credited to your Store Credit. If you wish to take a payout, the payment will then be refunded to your Bank Account or sent to you by Cheque.

What are the delivery charges ?

There are no delivery and pick up charges for all orders above INR 350. If the Rental Cart Value is below INR 300, a delivery charge of INR 50 is charged. The pick up in all cases is free of cost.

How do I tell ememozin.com which books I wish to see in their library ?

Find books of your interest and add them to your book-shelf. In-case these books are not available with us, they go to your wishlist. We scan the wishlist of our users on a regular basis and keep adding books to the library.

Does ememozin.com keep multiple copies of titles ?

Yes. We keep multiple copies of books in demand.

What is the size of ememozin.com library collection ?

ememozin.com has a library collection of over 1.2 lac titles across 45 categories.

What is bookshelf ?

My Bookshelf has four sections. 1. The list of books that you want to read. Search or browse through our collection and when you find a book that you would like to read. 2. The books you are currently reading 3. The books that you want to read but are not available in the library 4. The books that you have rented and read from ememozin.com

How do I add books to my bookshelf ?

Click on the bookshelf button on the page of the book you like. It gets added to your bookshelf. Go to My Bookshelf on the My Account Option. The Bookshelf option is also present near the search bar on top.

Is there any late fees in ememozin.com ?

The rental is charged based on your rental period. Every book is available for a different rental period after which the book will be considered to be sold.

How long can I keep the books ?

For the rental period that the book is available for. Every book is available for a different rental period after which the book will be considered to be sold.

Why does ememozin.com take Initial Payable over the Rental Price ?

It's not that we don't trust our customers but we need to safeguard our books against unscrupulous elements. The remaining amount upon returning the book shall be refunded.

Is it necessary to have an account to rent books on IndiaReads?

Yes, it is necessary to have an account to rent on IndiaReads. Being a rental service, we maintain the reading history and that is where we give you the option to Return Books that you have rented.

What is Initial Payable ?

The Initial Payable is the payment taken upfront for renting a book. It is not the rent charged to you for renting. Only the rent is charged based on your rental structure and the remaining amount from the initial payment is refunded to you.

What is the Rental Structure for renting at IndiaReads ?

Is varies from Book to book and the rental structure is available with each book listing. You can check the duration for which the book is available for renting and the amount that will be charged for keeping the book in each of these durations.

What if the Rental Structure changes after I rented the book ?

You rent will be calculated based on the rental structure shown to you and that is the amount shown to you at the time of ordering the book.

What if I don't return the book in the applicable renting period ?

The book is considered to be sold after the applicable renting period and the initial amount taken is entirely kept by IndiaReads.

What is renting period ?

The duration for which a particular book is available for renting.

If I rent two books at a time, can I return them separately ?

Yes, each book rented is considered individually and the duration of books kept by you can vary.

How does the pick-up work ?

You don't have to worry about the pick-up. When you place a request for pick up, IndiaReads's representative / our logistics partner will pick-up the packet from your given address.

How do I pack the books to be returned ?

With every delivery, we send one extra packet. Just slip the books in the extra packet. The delivery related information is already printed on the packet.

What if I lose or damage ememozin.com's books ?

Please inform us at customercare@ememozin.com. There will be no refund applicable upon loss or damage of book and it will be assumed to be sold to you.

Can I ask for delivery but keep books rented earlier ?

Yes. Each books is rented independently. So you can keep ordering as many books you want and keep returning each book seprately or together as per your wishes.

When do I receive my delivery after I put a rental request ?

We try our best to provide the fastest door-step delivery. You will receive your delivery within 2 working days. If you stay in NCR region or other the prominent metros you may receive it the very next day.

Where do the library books get delivered ?

Your books are delivered to the address you mention when you put a delivery request. You can add multiple addresses to your Address Book to use as and when required.

Can I change the address of delivery every order ?

Yes. You are asked to choose a delivery address. You can choose a previously mentioned address or add a new address. Every order can be delivered at a new address if the service is available at the chosen pincode.

Who collects and delivers my books ?

Once you request the delivery/pick-up of books on the portal we take care of the rest.

Are the deliveries and pick-up free of cost ?

There are no delivery and pick up charges for all orders above INR 350. If the Rental Cart Value is below INR 300, a delivery charge of INR 50 is charged. The pick up in all cases is free of cost.

How do I know that the books have been issued to me ?

When we send you books we email you the details of delivery. You can also find these details in the "currently reading" section on ememozin.com in your bookshelf.

How do I place a request for renting books ?

Use the search or browse categories to find books of your interest. Add these books in your book-shelf. You can select the books available in your bookshelf that you want to rent presently and place a rental request by the process that follows after that.

How do I ask for a pick-up ?

You can ask for a pick-up by placing a pick-up request by clicking on "Return Books" in the bookshelf. Please follow the steps that follow thereafter.

What if I am not available at home when the delivery guy comes to deliver the books ?

In most cases, the delivery representative calls you before making a delivery. In case you confirm the representative about your availability, please ensure that someone is present at the delivery address during the day. If this is not the case or you are travelling, then kindly inform customer care at the time of making the delivery request. Every delivery and pick up costs us money (not to mention fuel and the environmental aspects).

What do I do after I am done with my reading ?

Done reading ! Do not wait. Return the books as soon as you read the book. You rental charges increase with the increasing rental duration.

How do I know that my book-request is placed ?

You will receive an email regarding your request. You will notice "pending delivery" in your order history details.

What are ememozin.com's privacy policy ?

Please read the privacy policy document for details.

How are the books packaged by ememozin.com ?

We send books in a tamper-proof packet. This helps us avoid damage to books.

How do I return the books ?

Done reading ! Put a request for pick-up and ememozin.com will arrange the pickup.

Do I have to return all the books at the same time ?

No. Each book is treated independently and can be returned one by one or together as and when you finish reading the book.

I have moved to a new city. Can I continue renting my books ?

Yes. You just need to check that your Pincode is within our service area. It is highly probable that we have services in your new city. You can take your library where-ever you go.

What all locations does IndiaReads deliver books ?

Please check the delivery pincodes at the How it works page.

How do I pay for ememozin.com transactions ?

You can pay online with your debit card, credit card, net-banking, wallets or cash on delivery.

Are there any hidden charges when I order at ememozin.com ?

No taxes or additional charges apart from those mentioned on the website shall be charged.

What is cash on delivery ?

You can rent books from ememozin.com without making an online payment when you opt for Cash on delivery. Pay the amount in cash when you receive the delivery.

Is it safe to use credit card / debit card on ememozin.com ?

Yes.It is safe to use all payment options on ememozin.com.

How do I use credit card / debit card to pay on ememozin.com ?

Please fill in your credit card or debit card details in the checkout process. It is safe to use your credit card/ debit card on ememozin.com.

How do I use Internet Banking to pay on ememozin.com ?

Please fill select the Internet Banking option and the bank you want to transact via and you will be directed to the internet banking portal of the Bank. Once you have made the payment, you will be redirected to IndiaReads website for order confirmation.

How do I place a cash-on-delivery order ?

Please select Cash-on-delivery option in the checkout process.

Does ememozin.com provide Cash-on-Delivery ?

Yes. We do provide Cash on Delivery service in over 100+ cities.

What amount will be deducted from my initial payment ?

It will be as per the rental structure of the book based on the duration.

What is Store Credit ?

Every refund goes to Store Credit. Store-credit is like money which can be use/-re-used for any payment on ememozin.com. You can entirely pay for renting the book by using your Store Credits. In case its not sufficient for making the entire payment, the remaining amount can be paid online using Debit Card, Credit Card, Internet Banking, wallets or Cash on Delivery.

What is Bonus Store Credit ?

Bonus Store Credit is similar to Store Credit. It can be used for any payment on ememozin.com. You can entirely pay for renting the book by using Bonus Store credit. In case its not sufficient for making the entire payment, the remaining amount can be paid online using Debit Card, Credit Card, Internet Banking, wallets or Cash on Delivery. You cannot encash Bonus Store Credit. Everytime you encash Store Credit, your Bonus Store Credit goes to Nil.

How do I get Store Credits ?

You get Store Credit for all refunds being made to you upon returning the books you rented.

How do I get Bonus Store Credits ?

You get Bonus Store Credit as Bonuses from IndiaReads as customer loyalty program. We can give you Bonus Store Credit via direct additions, coupons abd by referrals. You can also get Store Credit by referrals. Invite your friends to join ememozin.com and get Bonus Store Credits when they start renting books.

Why do I take refund in Store Credits ?

The Store Credit feature lets you conveniently place orders on IndiaReads. It helps yo to make payments without entering card or bank details every single time. It makes your checkout simpler and faster. Moreoever we keep running offers where we give Bonus Store Credits for all refunds taken in Store Credit.

How do I check my Store Credit Balance ?

You can check your Store Credit Balance by going to "My Orders" Page or by going to Store Credit page. On the My orders page, you can check details of each transaction that you have made on the website and the portion of it from Direct Payment, Store Credit and Bonus Store Credit.

How do I check my Bonus Store Credit Balance ?

You can check your Bonus Store Credit Balance by going to "My Orders" Page or by going to Store Credit page. On the My Orders page, you can check details of each transaction that you have made on the website and the portion of it from Direct Payment, Store Credit and Bonus Store Credit.

How do I redeem my Store Credit ?

The Store Credit is automatically used everytime you place an order from ememozin.com. In order to utilize your Store Credit, keep renting books from IndiaReads.

How do I redeem my Bonus Store Credit ?

The Bonus Store Credit is automatically used everytime you place an order from ememozin.com. In order to utilize your Bonus Store Credit, keep renting books from IndiaReads. The priority is given to Store Credit to be utilized first and then the Bonus Store Credit and if there is any amount that is remaining to be paid, then you need to utilize your card or bank or COD option.

Is there any expiry for Store Credit Balance ?

No, there is no expiry date for Bonus Store Credit. You can use it whenever you want.

Does ememozin.com provide corporate library services ?

ememozin.com is India's Largest Online Library with library services across 500+ cities in India. Its extensive Library collection coupled with state-of-the-art customer service makes it an ideal library to be a part of. As a corporate library service-provider the USP of ememozin.com is its collection covering but not limited to Management.

How can my company avail ememozin.com's library services ?

Please ask your HR team to get in touch with ememozin.com or connect us to the HR by writing to us at customercare@ememozin.com

How do I get information of ememozin.com's Corporate library services ?

Please write your corporate library query to p.bafna@ememozin.com. You can find a brief description of ememozin.com's Corporate Library Services here.